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Top 10 discoveries about ancient people from DNA in 2023

This year's highlights include ways of finding ancient relatives, how some phenotypes evolved in ancient people, and trace evidence from artifacts.

DNA molecular models on a cloudy background
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Ancient apocalypses and limits of evidence

The archaeological and paleoclimate records usually lack the resolution to see how meteorites or volcanoes mattered to our ancestors.

A man in baseball cap standing at the edge of a mile-wide meteor crater with desert surroundings
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A palimpsest of artifacts on a glacial landscape

A look at work by Lars Pilø and coworkers who have collected artifacts from a melting Norway glacier.

Four panels showing arrows with scales.
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The so-called Toba bottleneck simply didn't happen

Prompted by a paper by Chad Yost and coworkers, I look at the persistent myth that humans were an endangered species only 74,000 years ago.

A volcanic eruption with ash cloud rising from caldera