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Research by John Hawks

I work on fossil and genetic evidence for human origins with collaborators all around the world.

Research by John Hawks

In my research, I find ways to bring together people and diverse methods to build a stronger understanding of the origins that we share as humans.

Over the last few years, I have spent a lot of time on projects in the Rising Star cave system of South Africa, where our team discovered the fossils of Homo naledi. With many collaborators, I am working to understand this species, its behavior, and its relationships with today's people. I have studied skeletal evidence of hominins as varied as Sahelanthropus tchadensis and Neandertals.

I also work with human and ancient DNA to test hypotheses about ancient populations and their adaptations. My work has included some of the earliest examinations of natural selection using genome-wide evidence in living humans, and analyses of introgression from Neandertals and other archaic humans.

Sharing research with the communities where I work and the global public is important to my professional life. I am committed to promoting more open and ethical practices in anthropology and genetics. You will find these areas of focus in my scientific publications and my public writing.

For a full list of my publications, you can check out my CV.

This page provides a list of research highlights. Each of these pages provides a brief overview of the research and link to the published article.


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Research highlight: A partial skull from Rising Star

Our team uncovered the tiny skull in a near-impossible crevice deep in the cave system.

Reconstruction of Leti skull.
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Research highlight: Looking at what Darwin knew about primate relationships

I provide a context for Darwin's ideas about human and primate relationships and update Descent of Man with today's knowledge.

Notebook page from Darwin showing his proposal of primate phylogeny
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Research highlight: Accurate depiction of uncertainty in ancient DNA research: The case of Neandertal ancestry in Africa

An article in the Journal of Social Archaeology looking at how researchers shaped public perceptions of Neandertal DNA heritage in living people.

Cover page of "Accurate depiction of uncertainty in ancient DNA research"
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Research highlight: Making ancient DNA more ethical

I helped to draft a statement for the American Society of Human Genetics on responsible research on ancient DNA.

Research highlight: Making ancient DNA more ethical
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Research highlight: A look at the questions raised by Homo naledi

A chapter that presents some of the key topics shaping our continuing investigations of the Rising Star cave system.

Cast of the LES1 skull of Homo naledi, held by a hand.
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Research highlight: How the pandemic must change field research

A group of field scientists come together to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on our work.

Front page of article
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Research highlight: Sexual dimorphism in the relationship between the gut and pelvis

We test the notion that pelvis dimensions can yield accurate estimates of gut size in fossil hominins by looking at today's people.

A plot showing the inferior transverse outlet versus gut volume in men and women.
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Research highlight: Introducing a juvenile skeleton of Homo naledi

We put together excavation records, 3D imagery, and laboratory analysis of bones and teeth to understand the preservation of a skeleton from the Dinaledi Chamber.

Photo showing bones of DH7 in situ in Dinaledi Chamber excavation
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Research highlight: Use ancient remains more wisely

In this contribution, Keolu Fox and I consider what is necessary to build a sustainable science of ancient DNA.

Front page of "Use ancient remains more wisely"
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My article giving an overview of our symposium on Homo naledi

An article written for American Scientist gives the current state of our research into the biology of this species.