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modern human origins

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A hard ceiling on modern human dispersal

Neandertal DNA in some of the oldest modern human genomes establishes a short timeline of 50,000 years for the out-of-Africa founder event.

Silhouette cutout of Neandertal with trees and landscape visible through the cutout
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Ghostbusters of human origins

Humans tend to mix and interact with each other. Geneticists are once again starting to take that seriously, changing their view of our origins.

Meme with the four movie Ghostbusters crossing the streams
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Explaining the X chromosome hole in Neandertal ancestry

Natural selection reduced the variation on human X chromosomes in populations with the most Neandertal and Denisovan mixture. It may have been meiotic drive.

A fluorescence image of chromosomes in cells undergoing meiosis
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The Nesher Ramla site: a third way between Neandertals and modern humans?

Fragments representing people who lived just before Skhūl and Qafzeh seem outside the expectations for these “early modern humans” or for Neandertals.

Archaeologists working on a large, terraced excavation area under a white canopy.
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Fossil profile: Skhūl 1 and the mixing of populations

A child's skull from Mount Carmel gives an occasion to look at the history of ideas about population mixture.

Skhūl 1 calvaria with information
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Zlatý kůň and the Neandertal heritage of first Europeans

A skull from Czechia represents an individual from one of the earliest European modern human populations to encounter Neandertals.

Zlatý kůň cranium with information
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Fossil profile: BOU-VP-16/1 and mortuary practice

A fossil from Bouri, Ethiopia, represents an individual whose skull was processed after his death.

BOU-VP-16/1 cranium with information
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Neandertals got 6% of their genomes from Africa

An analysis by Melissa Hubisz and coworkers finds that mtDNA is not all that Neandertals received from our African ancestors

A Banksy-style portrait of a Neandertal wearing a blazer
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There are no “anatomically modern” elephants. Why do we treat humans differently?

A quote from Phillip Tobias illustrates the strange way that we talk about human variation compared to other species.

Two adult elephants and one calf in black and white, with a black background
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How old is the "early Homo sapiens" skull from Florisbad?

Introducing a new preprint in which I examine critically the evidence for a skull thought to be contemporary with Homo naledi.

Three skulls in oblique view
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How much do Y chromosome haplogroups shape our views of modern human origins?

The divergent A00 haplogroup roots the modern human Y chromosome tree deeper in time.

Map of Africa showing high concentration of Y chromosome haplogroup A in Namibia and northeast Africa
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Three big insights into our African origins

Recently, I delivered a lecture to the American Society for Human Genetics, focusing on the African record of human origins. It was a great privilege to speak to more than 5000 members of this professional organization, together with other distinguished experts on African genetic variation and health. Here I share

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Lida Ajer, early modern human remains in island Southeast Asia

A site first investigated by Eugene Dubois is rediscovered by Kira Westaway and collaborators.

A cave entrance with two people, one with headlight
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How much sex did it take for Neandertal DNA to enter modern populations?

Addressing a widespread misconception about what geneticists are really measuring when they look at population mixture.

A painting of the biblical figures Jacob and Esau
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The Manot 1 skull and how we now look at Neandertal ancestry in early modern humans

The discovery of a 54,000-year-old skull in Israel sheds light on the dispersal of modern humans and their contacts with Neandertals.

Manot Cave with sloping sediment, archaeologists, and lights
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Secrets of the genome from Ust'-Ishim

A discovery from Siberia represents one of the earliest branches of modern humans to disperse into Eurasia.

Secrets of the genome from Ust'-Ishim
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Becoming human: Presentation on Mount Carmel sites and cultural origins

A visit to Israel occasions reflections on the cultural evolution of humans and Neandertals.

John Hawks in front of a wadi with a limestone massif and caves in the distance.
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Modern human origins was more interesting than a single point of dispersal

A study of SNP variation across Africa enables us to look at a structured ancestral population long before 100,000 years ago.

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Are the "earliest modern human" skulls really modern?

The redating of the Omo Kibish fossil remains prompts a close look at what it means to be a modern human.

Replica of the Omo 2 cranium from left lateral view