Vagrant birds and ancient human habitats
People killed the Carolina parakeet. An inquiry into their historic population range helps illustrate the challenges of understanding ancient human populations.

When did humankind's last common ancestor live? A surprisingly short time ago
The lines of genealogy of living people converge quickly into the past. Our last genealogical common ancestor lived within the last few thousand years.

Geneticists work to understand how skeletons wound up in a mysterious Himalayan lake
Reviewing new work that reveals migrants from several historic periods in the skeletons surrounding this lake in India.

Should archaeologists really fear and loathe geneticists?
An article in Nature focuses on the tension between archaeologists and ancient DNA specialists.
Modern human origins was more interesting than a single point of dispersal
A study of SNP variation across Africa enables us to look at a structured ancestral population long before 100,000 years ago.
How much was migration a creative force for culture change?
An essay by Peter Richerson and Robert Boyd explores the way that cultures evolved by contact.