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immune system

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Another look at selection and the Black Death

An exchange of comments probes the story of the EPAS2 gene, balancing selection, and resistance to Yersinia pestis.

Illuminated manuscript page showing people carrying coffins
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Top 10 discoveries about ancient people from DNA in 2024

New resolution is emerging of some events in ancient human populations, and a clearer view of some parts of the genome.

Art illustration of DNA strands
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Top 10 discoveries about ancient people from DNA in 2023

This year's highlights include ways of finding ancient relatives, how some phenotypes evolved in ancient people, and trace evidence from artifacts.

DNA molecular models on a cloudy background
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Interaction and mixture: big picture and small

From the level of function of a single gene up to the movements of entire populations, our evolution was built from mixture.

Painting from 1883 of stone age dancers feasting around a fire
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Probing the pathogens that afflicted ancient humanity

In the first part of a review of pathogens in human origins, I examine a sampling of infectious diseases in people today and their diverse origins.

A colorful image of a virus preparing to enter a cell.
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Top 10 discoveries about ancient people from DNA in 2022

Research on ancient genomes has moved way beyond population mixture into broader questions about how ancient people lived and interacted with their environments.

A researcher wearing protective mask, hair net, and gloves is reaching toward an archaeological profile with a test tube.
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Goat immunity modified by introgression during and after domestication

A new paper in Science Advances describes some of the evidence for selection on introgressed genes in goats.

Goat immunity modified by introgression during and after domestication