Homo naledi
Research highlight: Growth and development in human origins
A report from a Wenner-Gren-supported workshop innovating ways forward for understanding hominin ontogenies
![A reconstruction of a Homo naledi child skull with bone and teeth indicated.](/content/images/size/w1460/2023/08/leti-reconstruction-berger.jpg)
Research highlight: Homo naledi teeth
In a massive new paper, a team led by Lucas Delezene provides descriptions of the dental evidence from the Dinaledi Chamber.
![Four third mandibular premolars in five orientations with labels and scale bar](/content/images/size/w1460/2023/05/dinaledi-third-mandibular-premolar-comparison-delezene-2023.jpg)
Lecture: Finding ancient minds in the human evolutionary tree
Insights into the behavioral capabilities of ancient human relatives are beginning to show that some of the abilities we consider human go surprisingly deep in our ancestry.
![Diagrams of eighteen hominin skulls against a black background](/content/images/size/w1460/2023/04/hominin-skulls-cloud-ancient-minds-lecture-2023.jpg)
Finding ancient fire use in the Rising Star cave system
The study of the underground landscape enters a new phase with evidence of charcoal and burned animal bone in deep chambers.
![A piece of charcoal upon a brown surface with tiny rodent bones visible](/content/images/size/w1460/2022/12/Charcoal-from-Rising-Star-Chamber.jpg)
Research highlight: The frontal sinuses of fossil hominins
A look inside the skulls of hominins reveals the extensive variation in the form of the internal structures known as the frontal sinuses.
![Crania of Petralona and LES1 showing the extent of their frontal sinuses](/content/images/size/w1460/2022/11/petralona-les1-frontal-sinus-illustration.jpg)
Panel: Who or what is Homo naledi?
Lee Berger, Agustin Fuentes, and I had a provocative conversation sharing our different perspectives on work related to the Rising Star cave system.
![John Hawks with bookshelves in the background](/content/images/size/w1460/2022/11/johnhawks-homo-naledi-cambridge-panel-screenshot-2022.jpg)
Research highlight: Vertebral wedging in Homo naledi
In a new paper led by Scott Williams, we look at the way that the Homo naledi lower vertebral column compares to humans and other extinct hominins.
![Vertebral column preserved for the LES1 skeleton in left lateral, anterior, posterior, and right lateral views.](/content/images/size/w1460/2022/11/lesedi-vertebral-column-williams-2022.jpg)
Research highlight: The limbs of Homo naledi
In a new paper, Sarah Traynor, David Green and I show that the sizes of the arm bones of Homo naledi are more or less like today's humans, despite their many morphological adaptations to climbing.
![Homo naledi skeletal material on a black table with dark background](/content/images/size/w1460/2022/09/02-homo-naledi-bone-table-angled-john-hawks-cc-by.jpg)
Research highlight: Pelvic fragment from the Lesedi Chamber
A new paper from our team led by Zachary Cofran looks at the immature ilium that is currently the most complete pelvic fragment of Homo naledi.
![Research highlight: Pelvic fragment from the Lesedi Chamber](/content/images/size/w1460/2022/05/lesedi-ilium-fragment-cofran-2022.jpg)
Research highlight: A partial skull from Rising Star
Our team uncovered the tiny skull in a near-impossible crevice deep in the cave system.
![Reconstruction of Leti skull.](/content/images/size/w1460/2022/02/leti-skull-black-background.jpg)